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High fidelity, low volume alerts meet precision response and measured security posture improvements with Cyber Security Shield.
Prioritize risks based on their potential impact, align security understanding throughout the organization, and drive cost-effective security outcomes with Cyber Security Shield.
Security outcomes tied to business objectives
Improved vulnerability risk management
Improved threat detection and incident response
The Cyber Security shield Managed Security Platform is a leading-edge engagement window that brings together your team and CX Defenders to understand the unique threats and vulnerabilities that can impact your goals and objectives.
Our framework enables advanced correlation and dynamic assignment of risk values to every alert. This unique Resilience approach results in an average 98 reduction in alert volume compared to traditional security providers while identifying 10 times more threats.
With proper risk profiling and increased alert fidelity, you and your CX Defenders experts determine the right response at the right time to execute tailored response plans designed to contain threats faster with minimal disruption to your business.
The path to cyber resilience is a journey of continuous improvement. Cyber Security Shield index that adapts to your specific environment, guiding you towards an enhanced security posture. By tracking your score over time, you can monitor and demonstrate your progress and compare against industry peers.
Meet with our managed security experts to discuss your use cases, technology and pain points and learn how Cyber Security Shield can help.
Cyber Security Shield offers AI-powered cybersecurity solutions tailored to your business requirements. Empowering organisations to manage cyber risk, build resilience and grow with confidence in an increasingly complex and challenging threat environment.
2 N. Central Ave
Suite 1800
Phoenix, AZ 85004